MODULE 5: How to Send Your Recruiting Package, Follow Up, and Select the Right Fit

Continue to Module 6

Notes and Resources

Sending your recruiting package (emailing coaches)

  • You now have the keys to the kingdom
  • Change the coaches name, mascot name, and don’t forget to attach files
  • Then it’s time to sit back, relax, and wait for responses!
  • When they do respond, be polite, nice, and don’t burn any bridges. Keep your options open, be honest, and build a relationship w/ the coach

Following Up and Selecting the Right Fit

WAIT 2-3 weeks, then FOLLOW UP with coaches who didn’t respond…

  • Understand quiet periods, dead periods, and open periods. Print the calendar out
  • Always email before you call coaches, don’t cold call them. They don’t like to be surprised, just like you don’t.
  • Understand that not all coaches will respond. They might be finished with their recruiting class for the year or just not interested, not need any other players at your position
  • STEALTHY SECRET: Use your leverage! Go after schools in the same conference and bounce scholarship numbers back and forth. Be careful w/ this technique, use it w/ caution and don’t overdo it!