MODULE 3: How to Create, Edit, and Upload a Highlight Video

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Notes and Resources

Creating a Recruiting/Highlight Video

A video is a must -- it's absolutely mandatory for any of my members. How do you expect to get recruited and get noticed if the only way a coach can see you is if they attend your games? A video is your secret weapon, a tool that will help take you to the next level. Many athletes aren’t even interested in making a video because it's "too hard" or "too time-consuming," so you’ll be at an immediate advantage. Making videos is simple and can even be fun! ...And if you have absolutely no idea how to edit on your own, I can do it for you..
Click Here For Details

  • Get a video camera - iPhone’s will work just fine. Obviously the better camera you get, the easier it will be to showcase your skills
  • Film your skills! -- Include your drills and skills from multiple angles. Include practice and game footage
  • Download or use a basic video editing program, such as iMovie, Movie Maker, or Sony Vegas
  • REMEMBER: Embellish your vitals, highlight your strengths, show yourself training. Place your best highlights first!

This is the place to really showcase your skills and show coaches what you’ve got! Make sure to include your strengths. If you’re fast, RUN! Oh, and make sure to avoid the BIG KILLER: Background music! If you must include music, make it soft and light with no lyrics. No rap, no loud bass, etc. If coaches hear music, they will do 1 of 2 things.. either hit the “mute” button on your video OR throw your video right in the “trash” and move onto the next candidate. They have access to thousands and thousands of players. Don’t waste their time!

When you're editing your video...

  • Be sure to include an intro and outro
  • Also include your vitals, stats, introduction of yourself, graduation year, school name, where your school is located, thank them for watching your video

Upload your video to YouTube

  • Simple, straightforward process
  • Make your “channel” username YOUR NAME
  • Numbers and underscores are fine, but be professional
  • Put name in the title of the video - Example title: Brad Jones Recruiting Video - Class of 2020
  • Include your vitals, stats, etc. in description
  • Copy the correct YouTube link