Limited-Time Offer From Sports Recruiting University

Introducing the ULTIMATE Shortcut to Recruiting Success and Exposure...

...FOR JUST $7

From: Justin W., Founder and Head Recruiting Coach of

Date: December 6th, 2015

Are you interested in getting an edge up on the recruitment process? Well, good, because if you accept this proposal right now, it will cost you exactly $7.

That’s right...

Just 7 dollars. Not per month. Not a trial version. Just $7 bucks for the whole thing.

And that’s the bad news...

...Now For The Good News

In exchange for this tiny investment, I am going to give you the greatest gift I could ever give a high school athlete or parent.

It’s the keys to the “recruiting kingdom” -- literally, a system to spark exposure, and just something to really increase your chances of recruiting success.

And I’m going to let you have these proven shortcuts of mine...


...for just $7

I’ll tell you why in a bit, but first, I have a question for you…

Are You Just “Winging It?”

Perhaps you're “improvising?”

Maybe practicing “hope and pray” recruiting?

Or do you have a clear-cut plan to get exposure?

If you are “winging it” then don’t feel bad... you’re not alone. For the better part of my high school years, that’s what I did, too.

And, it worked.

But it was extremely stressful and I had no idea what I was doing.

…And quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of seeing talented high school athletes just “winging it” and having no step-by-step guide on how to play at the next level.

It's important that you get your name out there.

You see, there’s too many kids out there who are good enough to play in college, yet they’re just sitting at home on their couch right now (instead of living out their dreams).

So I Created Something Most High School Athletes and Parents Only Dream Of Having...

I sat down and re-traced every step that I took in order to get recruited and play in college.

I searched my inbox for all the conversations I had with different coaches. I re-watched my highlight film, I re-read some of the best recruiting books that helped me, and I even talked to some of my old coaches.

When all of that was finished (along with several cups of coffee), I was left with 3 PDF documents that are literally guaranteed to help high school athletes make it to the next level.

These three “cheat sheet” documents include:

  • My *personal * cover letter and resume templates…
  • My recruiting planner worksheet (complete with a printable version you can start using today) And...
  • Advice from current college athletes who’ve ‘been there and done that’

Now Let’s Be Clear…

This isn't something that I just randomly whipped up. I'm giving you access to my proven resources. This information isn’t like that 20-year-old outdated book sitting on your shelf. This is stuff that works right now!

How do I know?

Because I'm living proof!

I've been there, and done that. In fact, I literally used the templates and resources I’m about to share with you to get recruited…

…And, honestly, they work like gangbusters.

  • You’re about to have a system...
  • You’re about to have worksheets...
  • You’re about to have “copy-and-paste swipe files“...
  • You’re about to have the keys to the kingdom...

In short, I’m going to help you cut your learning curve drastically and give you copy-and-paste resources to accelerate your recruiting success!

And, again, I'm proof that this works...

Look, I’m no Michael Jordan, or Derek Jeter, nor am I Peyton Manning...

...but I’ve done pretty well for myself.

I don’t like to brag about any of my successes and you’ll never see me boasting after being mentioned in the newspaper -- or briefly on TV.

But again, I’ve done pretty well in my athletic career. Heck, I’ve made it into the top 6.8% of high school baseball players who are fortunate enough to play in college!

But more importantly, my resources and templates I’m about to give you are proven to work. They’ve done VERY well...

They’ve provided me with plenty of scholarship offers and plenty of roster spots. They’ve allowed me to truly live my childhood dream of playing college sports!

Signing a letter of intent is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and I’m so glad I was able to do it. Not once. But twice (I transferred and so I got to go through the process again!)

Now I Don't Say Any Of This To Brag...

In fact, any big time athlete or successful businessperson would be quick to point out that, “It’s pretty easy to lose your momentum and success once you stop being humble.”

I happen to agree.

So let me be clear…

I’m not trying to brag about any of my success. I just want you to know that my ‘swipe files’ and ‘cheat sheets’ work - and they’ll get you similar results too! 

Until very recently, these worksheets, copy-and-paste email swipe files, and “keys to the recruiting kingdom” were mine and mine alone.

They were locked in my “vault,” and unless you’ve been a lifelong friend of mine, you’ve never seen them.

They were my secret sauce...

But recently I’ve decided to make a very bold (and some might say CRAZY) move at

I’ve decided to take all of my recruiting materials...


...and “open source” them to other high school athletes, parents, and coaches.

I’m calling this my “Secret Sauce Bundle”, because that’s exactly what it is: A literal copy-and-paste blueprint guaranteed to get you results from contacting college coaches.

As a “Team Member,” you get to see everything. And, trust me, I’m not holding anything back.

Here’s a quick look at what the 3 PDF documents look like…

And by joining today, you can have immediate access to all these worksheets, rare advice, and copy-and-paste email swipe files for just $7 flat.

Yep, just $7 -- for a limited time only.

You Shouldn't Even Attempt Trying to "Get Recruited" Until You Read Through These PDF's

You've probably heard the saying, "don't reinvent the wheel," right?

Well that old saying definitely applies to recruiting!

Look, I’ve already done all the hard work, made all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe me, I’ve made some BIG mistakes a few times along the way…

…So, wouldn't you want to be sure you avoid these costly and time consuming pitfalls?

That’s why I've made such an effort to put everything THAT WORKS into a simple, easy-to-follow formula so all of my Sports Recruiting University athletes can get their shot at the next level!

In the past, these swipe files (cover letter and resume) and my whole secret sauce to recruiting has been kept for just my insider clients and close teammates. But, now, I’m making a select few available to the public.

So now you don’t have to do this whole process alone!

You get it all...

  • The “Advice From Current College Athletes PDF” (I surveyed my list of current players and asked them what the biggest piece of advice they’d give to YOU is)
  • My “Recruiting Planner” Worksheet (so you’re immediately organized and you can start working on the recruiting process TODAY...)
  • My *Proven* “Resume and Cover Letter Templates” (they’re literally copy, paste, and fill in some details.. it’s that simple!), and…
  • 24/7 Access To Me (so you can get help and support whenever and wherever)

Normally the “Secret Sauce Bundle" will sell for $97, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to these PDF documents for just $7.

Seriously, this isn't a joke, just $7...

Literally, you can have a meal at a fast-food joint for that much -- or you can:

  • Start getting yourself college exposure by learning the ins and outs of the recruiting process
  • Save time (and money) by doing the recruiting process right the first time...
  • Go from "not even on the radar" to being a highly sought after stud in your state
  • Convert those "Yeah, we'll take a look at you" coaches to "Whoa! When can you come down for an official visit? We really want you here next year!”

In other words, you'll finally be able to get started and take actionable steps toward the college of your dreams!

Now, the choice is yours…

You can keep doing what isn't working, or you can try something new.

Click the “Add To Cart” button and start putting the "Secret Sauce Bundle" to use for you TODAY…

Add to Cart

I May Be A Little Crazy... But I'm Not Stupid

It may come as a surprise, but I do have a little sneaky, ulterior motive for making this available so inexpensively. As you have probably already guessed, I’m not paying the bills by giving away my best stuff for just $7.

My sincere hope is you’ll love what you see and choose to upgrade to my “Complete Guide to Recruiting” video training course.

If you do, GREAT!

If not, that’s ok, too.

Just enjoy all the benefits you’ll receive from these PDF’s -- I want to provide value to you. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

So, click the Add to Cart button below, and let's get started...

Add to Cart

See you on the inside,


Founder and Recruiting Coach,

P.S. This goes without saying, but this $7 offer won’t be available for long, and it won’t return anytime soon when it does go away.

Join right now while it’s fresh on your mind (and while this page is still active).

P.P.S. Still on the fence? Here’s what one of our members had to say…

Though a little skeptical at first (as I’ve never purchased something like this before), I went ahead and bought it. I can honestly say it has some of the best information I have ever read on the recruiting process. My learning curve went straight up. Not only would I recommend Justin’s products to any parent but I’ve also sent a few baseball buddies his way as well. So, if you want to gain a fundamental understanding of the athletic recruiting process, especially on selecting and contacting potential schools (plus getting the attention of coaches), then this something worth checking out. The last thing you want to do is make a timely mistake.

And you definitely don’t want to hit a brick wall. Justin really gives some great insight. A true insiders perspective. He can help you through the whole thing with his step by step formula. All of it is proven to work, too. You either show up and hope to get ‘lucky’ or you prepare and own the process.

Ralph Albert Portland, Oregon

Frequently Asked Questions

q-icon Is this course all online or will I be sent something in the mail? 

These PDF's are ALL online, so nothing will be physically shipped to you. This makes it easier for you to dive right into the documents instead of waiting two weeks to receive a package. Your time is very precious, and we get that.

q-icon What kind of support do you provide for your clients?

When you buy any of my products, you become family. Literally, I use this money to put food on my table and pay for my college education. That relationship means something to me, so I'm going to do everything I possibly can to ensure that you're satisfied!

I'm always available to answer any questions you may have. Just shoot me an email (you'll get access to my personal address after you order)


q-icon How long will it take to get access to this course? 

You'll get access immediately.

You will be directed to a 'thank you' page right after you complete your purchase. All the PDF's are very straightforward and labeled so you're sure to follow them step-by-step.

q-icon Is there a guarantee? 

Of course…all our training material has a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

If you're unhappy for any reason under the sun, just let me know and I'll refund every penny. I don't think it'll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then just RELAX and put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!